
The Ron Paul Liverty Report

Senator Paul was right about Fauci's Mask Theater


A new study on Covid lockdowns in Germany shows that destroying the freedom and livelihood of civilians to fight a virus by locking the country down was pointless. Any "credit" claimed for the lockdowns was actually due to the cases already falling before implemented. Will justice be served? Also today, TX Gov. Abbott partly redeems himself by signing new vaccine passport prohibition.

御用学者 Fauci の大嘘

Rumble - From, most recently, the Wall Street Journal to the Daily Mail to Fauci's own newly revealed emails, the once "conspiratorial" theory that the Covid virus may have leaked from a lab has now gone fully mainstream. What might it mean...and why is the Pentagon so deeply involved? Also today: fake news on kids in the ER. California county cuts Covid death count by a whopping 25 percent. And more...